Tamazin - Rainbow Pool 3
Video Info:
Happy Friday, everyone! We're on a mission to keep things heating up as spring approaches, and we've got a fantastic return from beautiful, all-natural Tamazin here to make that happen. :) She is stunning, sexy and spectacularly curvy and just what we need to make our weekend perfect.Tags:
- 3 years ago, @Chinky1975 said: Didn't care for the pasties covering her nipples. Kind of defeats the whole purpose.
- 3 years ago, @Masturbator said: Tamazin you are absolutely 'GORGEOUS.' I realize it's a girl's preference but it's nice to see you have no tattoos. This confirmed bachelor (and MASTURBATOR) can only hope to see 'A LOT' more of you on Pinup Files. Oh are you 'STACKED'!!!!!!!!!