Rachel Aldana - Day With Rachel - Part 1
Video Info:
In the five days since "overwhelming" might be the understatement of the year. Ever since all-natural 32JJ mega-stunner Rachel Aldana made her debut with us last week, the response has been something on the scale of a 9.5 earthquake... fans all across the globe were simultaneously blown away by this stunning beauty all while clamoring for more. Suffice to say, Rachel is an incredibly special gal and one that we're thrilled to be working with. Oh, and while you're at it, get ready to move that Richter scale up to 10 and beyond because today, Rachel makes her HD VIDEO DEBUT at PinupFiles/PinupGlam! We've been combing our thesaurus all week trying to come up with adjectives that do Rachel justice and the truth is, there simply aren't any. All you can do is look at her, especially in this brand-new video, and all words melt away... she's simply that incredible. Thank you, Rachel, for being so lovely and amazing and letting us share in your beauty! Hold on to your hat!